The Barwon Inn Motel at Walgett

The Barwon Inn Motel highway sign on the Kamilaroi Highway

The Barwon Inn Motel highway sign on the Kamilaroi Highway

Set your GPS to this corner -- the driveway is about 20 metres away

If you are staying at the Barwon Inn, set your GPS to the corner of Kamilaroi Highway and Gingie Road. The driveway to the Barwon Inn is about 20 metres up the road towards Walgett.

Barwon Inn Motel dining room and reception

Barwon Inn Motel dining room and reception

Barwon River

Barwon River

The Barwon Inn Motel cabins

The Barwon Inn Motel cabins

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

My cabin

Dining room and reception

Dining room and reception

Good food -- the best steak I had on the trip

Good food — the best steak I had on the trip

Sunrise from in front of my cabin

Sunrise from in front of my cabin

The Barwon Inn used to be called Nolan’s on the Barwon.

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